These page is in two parts, the first is information taken from the rosters. The secon part is information taken from the Regimental History, it will give you some idea what the man was like.
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KENT, JOHN.—Age, 23 years. Enlisted July 16, 1861, at New York; mustered in as private, Company D, July 16, 1861, to serve three years; promoted corporal and sergeant, dates not shown; mustered out with a detachment, August 16, 1864, at Harper's Ferry, Va.
BURR, ELIAS.— Age, 21 years. Enlisted August 21, 1861, at New York; mustered in as private, Company F, August 21, 1861, to serve three years; re-enlisted January 1, 1864; promoted corporal, date not shown; to commissary sergeant February 4, 1865; mustered out with company June 27, 1865.
Bottom Left to Right.
VERRINDER, WTLLIAM Jr.—Age, 18 years. Enlisted August 21, 1.861, at,New York; mustered in as private, Company H, ' August 21, 1861, to serve three years; captured at Winchester, Ya, June 13, 1863; paroled at City Point, Ya., July 8, 1863; captured at Mt. Jackson, December 20, 1863; paroled at
BELL, JEROME.— Age, 19 years. Enlisted July 19, 1861, at New York; mustered-in as private, Company B, July 19, 1861, to serve three years; captured at Charleston, Va., October 18, 1863; paroled at City Point, Va., December 28, 1863; mustered out August 20, 1864, at Harper's Ferry, Va.
John F. Kent, not much was said about him only that he found a home in Minnesota.
Elias Burr, nothing was said about him.
William Verrinder Jr.The following was given about Verrinder after a battle with Mosby's men:
Coming back they saw a horse standing on the other side of the river. A Confederate officer, supposed to be Captain Meade of Early's staff, had been killed with the sabre by Ed Goubleman while crossing the river. This might be his horse. The men halted opposite the horse. Verrinder of company H., took off his clothes, swam the river, and brought the horse back.
Jorome Bell. The following tells how Bell was captured.
The 16th, another detail went to Smithfield, Berryville and Charlestown. Here six men from Co. B with a few of Somers' men were sent back to Berryville for some purpose. A number of the enemy appeared and disputed the right of way. Sergeant Westbrook attacked them. There was a lively skirmish with what proved to be a superior force. Westbrook did his best, but had to retire, losing Jerome Bell and John Stuart, two good men, captured, but who, after several months in prison, returned to do good service.
Many of the men of company B., Sang for enjoyment and would sing at the drop of a hat. Jerome Bell was one of the singers. The following tells of the company singers:
There were capable men in the ranks who enjoyed doing their duty without caring for promotion. They became well known throughout the ranks, and their cheerful service was a Jiealthful feature of camp life. They were never discouraged or depressed. They sang in the camp; they sang on the march. They sang and shouted as they went into a charge. Their singing acted as a tonic.
A lad had grown up singing among the oyster beds of Long Island Sound. And day after day in the first camp in Elm Park, Jerome Bell, a hearty, cheerful, robust man gifted with a stentorian voice, was called upon to sing "The Star Spangled Banner." He had sung, as well as fought, his way through his term of service. He had done his comrades good by his singing. He was missed in this winter camp. The Confederate authorities had interfered with his re-enlisting : they held him prisoner.
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