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.An interesting figure al the Louisville reunion was Jerry W, May, colored. Jerry is a mail carrier at Macon and has been in the service for over twenty tears. Each year when the time for the Confederate Reunion rolls around Jerry asks for his vacation and accomiianies Camp Sniith to the rendezvous of the old Coulederates. Tliis is the fourteenth Reuion he has attended.
During the war Jerrv was thc body servant of William Wynn, of Georgia, who enlisted and served throughout the long contest as a private. His master was a member of the 7th Georgia Regiment of Harrison's Brigade. After the war, his master, who had lost everything by the ravages of the Federal army, moved to Prescott, Ark,, leaving Jerry in Macon. .A few years later be died, and his widow was left alone with nothing on which she might rely for a support. Jerry began the task of securing a pension for her, and after several years of hard work he was successful. Through his efforts she was enabled to live comfortably.
The veteran wrote to Jerry in regard to the above, and he responded promptly, stating : "My old master, William Wynn, was born and reared in Monroe County, Ga, He enlisted in the 7th Georgia Regiment, as stated. Company D. He took me as body servant ; and after the war, everything was lost to him even I myself came near being lost to him. but not ([uite. Aiiir the war. he moved to Prescott, .Ark., and began farming: but he was quite old and feeble, so he could do but little at it. Later he wrote me that he could get a pension rnder the .Arkansas laws, hut he was too feeble mentally and physically, and he wanted mc to do it for him. I replied that I would do anything in my power on earth for him and his wife as long as they lived.
I went at once to Gen. C. M Wyley, the Ordinary for Bibb County, got application blanks, look one to every member of the old company that I could fmd. got them signed with affidavits before proper officers, made oath myself, and had seals put on where seals could be found. Sad but true, he died just before I got the papers ready. 1 then went back and got other blanks, and did the same work for his widow. I paid every cent of money necessary without any cost to her. 1 sent all the papers for him and her both, and the connnittec pnt her on the pension list. She wrote me her sincere thanks for what I did. and said she was all Ibe more grateful because 1 had been one of her slaves."
These are sincere suggestions to young negroes as to how ihey may ingratiate themselves into the good will of white leopte. It would lie w-ell for them to consider how they can best advance their highest interests. Those of the South should not forget that the element of their color at the North are no credit to the race as a class, and that the result is fa.st creating far bitterer prejudices against them in that section than has ever existed in the South. If young ngroes at the South would accept conditions that cannot be overcome and steadfastly avoid impolite, not to say impudent, methods, they would speedily find friendships among' them that would be as lasting as it is with their parents. It is for the good of all and more for the inferior race that general friendly relations exist.
Let any of them try it, and they will not regret it. The Southern people remember the amiable dispositions of the race, and will be diligent lo aid them if they will adopt the only method possible for friendly relations. This advice is in as friendly spirit as it is possible to write, and it is meant to emphasize the advice to negroes. H they will maintain the rule of due politeness to white people, they will find among them stanch friends who will see that they are iustlv treated under all circumstances.
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