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On the 13th the command moved out again, going eastward to strike the Mississippi Central Railroad. The Third U. S. Colored Cavalry having the advance, encountered the enemy in considerable force. Major Cook formed iliiis men in an open field, and, after some skirm.ishing, charged them, but encountering a deep ravine or gully that he could not cross, the regiment was brought to an unexpected halt when within short range of the enemy. Conditions being equal, as neither party could come to close quarters, Major Cook quickly dismounted his men, who, taking advantage of such cover as the nature of the ground afforded, soon made the enemy's position untenable, and he withdrew from the fight. It was in this fight that Captain George C. Starr, Third U. S. Colored Cavalry, fell mortally wounded, shot through the stomach. He suffered intensely, as he had to be carried in the ambulance the remainder of that and thie next day, and died two days later in Yazoo City. His remains were taken back with the regiment to Vicksburg, and there placed in a burial case and taken to his relatives in Indianapolis, Indiana. Lieutenant Pettengill accompanied the remains.
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