Friday, July 10, 2015

Louis Leoferick Marks.

Maryland Campaign of 1862.

War Talks of Confederate Veterans
Published 1892.

Statement by L. L. Marks.

Comrade L. L. Marks, of Petersburg, Va., who was captain of Company C, of the 12th Va., says: "When we stacked arms to get rations, f he trays of bread were in sight, in front of each company, and were very tantalizing to us as hungry as we were, but we left without touching them. At the place at which we unslung knapsacks and formed the line of battle to the left of the turnpike, we were immediately (less than fifty yarjis) in rear of Grimes' battery, which we understood was drawing the fire of the batteries of the enemy, numbering thirty pieces. We moved forward to charge these guns of the enemy, and after going some little distance came to a point at which were Gens. Lee and Anderson. Gen. Long- street rode up and asked that his men be relieved, as they were exhausted in the pursuit of the enemy on his front. We were then marched across the turnpike, very much to our relief, as we had understood that we were to have charged the enemy's batteries referred to."

Referring to this incident, Comrade Tur- ner says: "I well remember that, whilst we were having our color-bearers and general guides out aligning the brigade, some mounted staff-officer came dashing from the direction of the place at which Hood's Texas brigade played such havoc with the Federal Zouaves, and, seemingly regardless of Gen. Mahone, dashed along down the line and at the top of his voice cried out, 'Hurry up, boys! We have them on the run! If you will just hurry up, we will get our independence to-day!' Gen. Mahone, not appreciating the interruption, shouted, 'Tell that crazy fool to get out of the way, and you listen to me.' These were about Gen. Mahone's words, as well as I remember them." 

Comrade Marks, who when wounded was left on the field during the night, says, that he then learned that the troops which engaged us at this point were fresh troops, recently brought to the front from the fortifications about Washington.

Author.  If you would like to learn more of his military record and his family take this link.

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