Revolutionary War.
Abel Cooley, (Mass). Private in Lexington Alarm, April, 1775; Sergeant in Danielson's Massachusetts Regiment, May to December, 1775; Lieutenant 4th Massachusetts, 1st January, 1777; died 13th June, 1778.
Samuel Cooley, (N. C). Surgeon, 5th., North Carolina, 17th April, 1776; retired 1st June, 1778; Surgeon Virginia Militia in 1780.
William Cooley, (Mass). Captain Massachusetts Militia; wounded at White Plains 28th October, 1776. (Died 1825.)
Reuben Cooley, Private, Connecticut, Connecticut Line.
Aaron Cooley, Private, New Hampshire, Massachusetts Line.
Ithamer Cooley, Private, Connecticut, Connecticut Line.
John Cooley, Corporal, New Hampshire, New Hampshire line.
Azariah Cooley, Sergeant, Massachusetts, Massachusetts Line.
James Cooley, Fifer, New York, Massachusetts Line.
Asael Cooley-----------------------------------------------
Nathan Cooley, Private-----------------------------------
William Cooley, Captain--------------------------------
Noah, Cooley----------------------------------------------
Wm. Williams Cooley-----------------------------------
Elihu Cooley, Private,------------------------------------
To be Justices of the peace in and for the county of Fairfield, 1775.
Daniel Cooley
David Cooley
Upon the memorial of George Cooley, shewing that he was at much extraordinary expence in taking care of his son, a sick soldier, last summer in the service of this Colony; praying for relief
This Assembly do establish Asahel Cooley to be Lieutenant of the fourth company or trainband in the tenth regiment in this State.
This Assembly do establish Daniel Cooley to be Ensign of the alarm list company within the limits of the 8th company or trainband in the 16th regiment in this State.
This Assembly do establish Asahel Cooley to be Captain of the 4th company or trainband in the 10th regiment in this State.
Upon the memorial of David Cooley junr, of Fairfield in the county of Fairfield, shewing to this Assembly that some time in the month of Feb'y., 1778, he was committed to goal in Fairfield by George Burr, Esqr, justice of the peace for said county, to be held for tryal before the then next superior court, for inimical conduct against the State for joining the enemy when on their return from Danbury in April, 1777, and giving them intelligence; praying this Assembly to give orders to the sheriff of said county to take bail for his appearance at the next superior court, as per memorial on file may appear: Resolved by this Assembly, that the sheriff of the county of Fairfield be and he is hereby impowered and directed to take bond of the said David Cooley together with sufficient surety for his appearance at the next superior court to be held in said Fairfield county to answer to such matters as shall then be alleged against him and abide the final judgment of said court.
Robert Cooley, Private, Enlisted May 20, 1778, Discharged October 6, 1778, Remarks died.
Joseph Cooley, Private, Enlisted January 8, 1779, Discharged November 1, 1780, Remarks present.
Joseph Cooley, Private, Enlisted 16 April 1778, Discharged 16 Nov 1778, Remarks deserted.
James Cooley, Enlisted January 20, 1779, Discharged April 5, 1779.
John Cooley, 8th., Maryland regiment.
Mordecai Cooley, Private, Enlistment 26 April-----, Discharged 16 Aug. 1780, Remarks missing.
Marriage Licenses.
Jane Cooley married Earley Benjamin on January 27, 1798.
Cooley, Aaron, Petersham. Return of men enlisted or drafted into Continental Army from Capt. Asa How's and Capt. Wing Spooner's cos., 7th Worcester Co. regt., dated Petersham, Dec. 30, 1777; residence. Petersham; engaged for town of Petersham; joined Capt. Benjamin Gates's co.. Col. Rufus Putnam's regt.; term, 3 years; also, Private, Capt. Gardner's co.. Col. Rufus Putnam's regt.; Continental Army i)ay accounts for service from Maj' 15, 1777, to Dec. 31, 1779; also, Ca])t. Benjamin Gates's co.. Col. Rufus Putnam's (4th) regt. ; muster re- turn dated Albany, Feb. 9, 1778; mustered by Thomas Newhali, Muster Master, June 28, 1777; also, Colonel's co., Col. Putnam's (5th) regt.; Continental Army pay accounts for service from Jan. 1, 1780, to June 17, 1780.
Cooley, Amel, West Springfield. Private, Capt. Enoch Chapin's co. of Minute-men, which marched April 20, 1775, in response to the alarm of April 19, 1775 ; service, 8 days; also, Capt. Enoch Chapin's co., Col. Timothy Danielson's regt.; muster roll dated Aug. 1, 1775; enlisted April 28, 1775; service, 3 mos. 10 days; also, company return dated Camp at Roxlmry, Oct. G, 1775; also, order for bounty coat or its equivalent in money dated Roxbury, Oct. 26, 1775.
Cooley, Abel. Lieutenant, Col. "William Shepard's regt. ; Continental Army pay accounts for service from Jan. 1, 1777, to June 13, 1778; reported died June 13, 1778; also, order for clothing dated Camp Valley Forge, May 1, 1778; also, (late) Capt. Caleb Keep's co., Col. Shepard's regt.; return of men in service on or before Aug. 15, 1777, dated Feb. 1, 1779.
Cooley, Abxer, Palmer. Private, Capt. Sylvanus Walker's co., Col. Timothy Daniel- son's regt.; nwister roll dated Aug. 1, 1775; enlisted April 29, 1775; service, 3 mos. 1 week, 3 days; also, company return [probably Oct., 1775].
Cooley, Abxer, Springfield. Private, Maj. Andrew Colton's co. of Minute-men, which inarched April 20, 1775, in response to the alarm of April 19, 1775; service, 10 days; reported enlisted into the army April 29, 1775; also, Capt. Gideon Burt's CO., Col. Timoth}' Danielson's regt.; muster roll dated Aug. 1, 1775; enlisted April 28, 1775; service, 2 mos. 25 days; also, company return dated Roxbury Camp, Oct. 6, 1775; reported discharged July 11, 1775; also, order for bounty coat or its equivalent in money dated Dec. 22, 1775.
Cooley, Abner. Private, Capt. Nehemiah May's co., Col. David Leonard's regt. ; en- listed May 16, 1777; discharged July 8, 1777; service, 2 mos. 2 days, travel in- cluded, at Ticonderoga; enlistment, 2 months. Roll dated South Brimfield.
Cooley, Ariel. Private, Capt. Caleb Keep's co., Col. Israel Chapen's regt.; enlisted Oct. 25, 1779; discharged Nov. 21, 1779; service, 1 mo. 4 days, travel included, at Claverack ; regiment raised to reinforce Continental Army for 3 months.
Cooley, Asahel, Springfield. Private, Maj. Andrew Colton's co. of Minute-men, which marched April 20, 1775, in response to the alarm of April 19, 1775; service, 10 days ; reported enlisted into the army April 29, 1775.
Cooley, Asher, Palmer. Private, Capt. David Speer's co.. Col. Pynchon's regt., which marched on the alarm of April 19, 1775 ; service, 11 days.
Cooley, Azariah, Brimfield. Private, Capt. James Sherman's co.. Col. Pyncheon's regt., which marched on the alarm of April 19, 1775 ; service, 2 days.
Cooley, Azariah, Brimfield. Return of men enlisted or hired to serve in the Conti- nental Army dated Brimfield, March 29, 1779; residence, Brimfield; engaged for town of Brimfield ; joined Capt. Toogood's co.. Col. Nixon's regt. ; term, 3 j-ears, to expire in 1780 ; also. Private, Capt. William Toogood's (5th) co.. Col. Thomas Nixon's (6th) regt. ; Continental Army paj' accounts for service from March 1, 1777, to Dec. 31, 1779; also, return of men in camp on or before Aug. 15, 1777, dated Camp near Peekskill, Feb. 16, 1779; also, (late) Capt. Toogood's co.. Col. Nixon's regt.; muster roll for May, 1779, dated Highlands; enlisted March 31, 1777; also, Capt. Benjamin Hey wood's co.. Col. Nixon's regt.; pay abstracts for Nov. and Dec, 1779 ; also, Capt. Heywood's co.. Col. Nixon's (5th) regt. ; Conti- nental Army pay accounts for service from Jan. 1, 1780, to March 31, 1780; re- ported discharged March 31, 1780; also, (late) Capt. Toogood's co., 6th regt.; return for clothing for 1780, dated Peekskill.
Cooley, Caleb (also given Jr.), Springfield. Private, Maj. Andrew Colton's co. of Minute-men, which marched April 20, 1775, in response to the alarm of April 19, 1775; service, 10 days; reported enlisted into the army April 29, 1775; also, Capt. Gideon Burt's co.. Col. Timothy Danielson's regt. ; muster roll dated Aug. 1, 1775 ; enlisted April 28, 1775; service, 3 mos. 11 days ; also, company return dated Rox- bury Camp, Oct. 6, 1775 ; also, order for bounty coat or its equivalent in money dated Dec. 22, 1775.
Cooley, Charles, Ludlow. Private, Capt. Paul Langdon's co., Col. Timothy Daniel- son's regt.; muster roll dated Aug. 1, 1775; enlisted May 15, 1775; service, 2 mos. 22 days ; also, order for bounty coat or its equivalent in money dated Roxbury, Nov. 27, 1775.
Cooley, Daniel, Granville. Private, Capt. Lebbeus Ball's co. of Minute-men, which marched April 20, 1775, in response to the alarm of April 19, 1775; service, 9 days ; also, Capt. Ball's co.. Col. Timothy Danielson's regt. ; muster roll dated Aug. 1, 1775; enlisted April 29, 1775; service, 3 mos. 10 days; also, company return dated Roxbury Camp, Oct. 6, 1775; also, order for bounty coat or its equivalent in money dated Camp at Roxbury, Nov. 25, 1775.
Cooley, Earl. Private, Capt. Samuel Burt's co., Col. Elisha Porter's (Hampshire Co.) regt.; enlisted July 22, 1779; discharged Aug. 25, 1779; service, 1 mo. 7 days, ti-avel included, at New London, Conn. ; also. Sergeant, 2d co.. Col. Gideon Burt's (Hampshire Co.) regt.; marched June 12, 1782, to retake Samuel Ely who was rescued from Springfield jail, also June 16, 1782, to oppose the rioters at Northampton ; service, 7 days.
Cooley, Ebenezer. Private, Capt. John Kirkland's co., Col. John Dickenson's regt. ; marched to Bennington on an alarm Aug. 16, 1777; service, 8 days.
Cooley, Elihu. Private, Capt. John Morgan's co.. Col. Ruggles Woodbridge's regt. ; enlisted Sept. 10, 1777; reported deserted Oct. 27, 1777; roll endorsed "in Northern department."
Cooley, Ephraim. Private, Capt. Asa Danforth's co. of volunteers, which marched from Brookfield Sept. 23, 1777, to join army under Gen. Gates ; service, 22 days.
Cooley, Gaius. Private, Capt. Ephraim Chapin's co.. Col. Ruggles Woodbridge's regt.; enlisted Aug. 12 (also given Sept. 1), 1777; discharged Nov. 30, 1777; ser- vice, 3 mos. 26 days, travel included, under Gen. Gates at the Northward. Roll sworn to in Hampshire Co.
Cooley, George. Private, Capt. James Shaw's co. ; enlisted Sept. 24, 1777 ; discharged Oct. 18, 1777; service, 32 days, travel included, with Northern army; company detached from Col. Charles Pynchon's regt. and ordered to join army under Gen. Gates for 30 days unless sooner discharged.
Cooley, Gideon, Springfield. Descriptive list of men raised to reinforce Continental Army for the term of 6 months, agreeable to resolve of June 5, 1780, returned as received of Justin Ely, Commissioner, by Maj. Peter Harwood of 6th Mass. regt., at Springfield, July 5, 1780; age, 17 yrs. ; stature, 5 ft. 5 in.; complexion, light; residence, Springfield ; marched to camp July 6, 1780, under command of Lieut. Taylor of 2d Mass. Line; also, payroll for 6 months men raised by the town of Springfield for service in the Continental Army during 1780; marched July 5, 1780; discharged Jan. 5, 1781; service, 6 mos. 7 days; also. Private, Capt. Eliphalet Thorp's co., Lieut. Col. John Brooks's (7th) regt. ; muster roll for Jan., 1781, dated West Point.
Cooley, Jabez, Springfield. Private, Capt. Gideon Burt's co.. Col. Timothy Daniel- son's regt.; muster roll dated Aug. 1, 1775; enlisted April 28, 1775; service, 3 mos. 11 days; also, company return dated Roxbury Camp, Oct. 6, 1775; also, order for bounty coat or its equivalent in money dated Dec. 22, 1775 ; also, Capt. James Shaw's co.; enlisted Sept. 24, 1777; discharged Oct. 18, 1777; service, 32 days, travel included, with Northern army ; company detached from Col. Charles Pynchon's regt. and ordered to join army under Gen. Gates for 30 days unless sooner discharged.
Cooley, Jacob. Private, 2d co.. Col. Gideon Burt's (Hampshire Co.) regt.; marched June 12, 1782, to retake Samuel Ely who was rescued from Springfield jail, also June 16, 1782, to oppose the rioters at Northampton ; service, 7 days ; reported as belonging to the alarm list.
Cooley, James, Monson. Fifer, Capt. Aaron Charles's co., Lieut. Col. Timothy Rob- inson's detachment of Hampshire Co. militia; mnstcr roll dated Garrison at Ticonderoga, Fel). 24, 1777; enlisted Dec. 25, 177G; enlistment to expire March 25, 1777; also, return of men enlisted or liired to serve in the Continental Army from Capt. Josliua Shaw's (15th) co., Col. John Bliss's rest., dated Monson, March 29, 1779; residence, Monson; engaged for town of Monson; joined Capt. Day's CO., Col. Alden's regt. ; term, during war ; also, Fifer, Capt. Lulie Day's co., Col. John Brooks's (late Alden's) regt. ; Continental Army pay accounts for ser- vice from March 9, 1777, to Dec. 31, 1779; reported mustered by Ruggles Wood- bridge, Muster Master; also, Capt. Day's CO., (late) Col. Ichabod Alden's regt.; return of men in camp on or before Aug. 15, 1777, certified at Cherry Valley, Feb. 24, 1779^ also, Capt. Day's co.. Col. Brooks's regt.; Continental Army pay accounts for service from Jan. 1, 1780, to Dec. 31, 1780; reported prisoner in Canada from May .30, 1778; also, list of men discharged from Lieut. Col. John Brooks's (7th) regt.; discharged Nov. 21, 1782, by Gen. Washington, term of enlistment having expired.
Cooley, Joel, Township No. 7. Private, Capt. Gideon Chapin's co. of Minute-men, which marched April 21, 1775, in response to the alarm of April 19, 1775; service, 19 days; also, Capt. Benjamin Pliillips's co., Lieut. Col. Timothy Robinson's detachment from Hampshire Co. militia; enlisted Dec. 27, 1776; discharged April 1, 1777; service, 96 days, at Ticonderoga; enlistment to expire March 23, 1777.
Cooley, John, Springfield. Descriptive list of men raised to reinforce Continental Army for 3 months, agreeable to resolve of June 22, 1778 [1780] ; 3d co.. Col. Bliss's (1st Hampshire Co.) regt.; age, 16 yrs. ; stature, 5 ft. 1 in.; complexion, light; hair, light; eyes, blue; occupation, farmer; residence, Springfield ; mustered by Lieut. Col. Jonathan Hale; also, Private, Capt. Joseph Browning's co., Col. Seth Mur- ray's (Hampshire Co.) regt.; enlisted July 17, 1780; discharged Oct. 10, 1780; service, 3 mos. 1 day, travel included ; company raised to reinforce Continental Army for 3 months ; roll sworn to in Sutfolk Co. ; also, same co. and regt. ; order for wages for 3 months service in 1780 dated Springfield, Feb. 25, 1782; also, Pri- vate, Capt. Francis Stebbins's co.. Col. David Mosley's regt.; enlisted June 16, 1782; discharged June 20, 1782; service, 4 days; company raised for support of government at Springfield and Northampton.
Cooley, John. Private, Capt. Nathan Rowley's co., Lieut. Col. Timothy Robinson's detachment of Hampshire Co. militia; enlisted Dec. 25, 1776; discharged April 3, 1777 ; service, 99 days, at Ticonderoga ; enlistment to expire March 25, 1777.
Cooley, John. 2d Corporal, Capt. William Cooley's co.. Col. John Mosley's (Hamp- shire Co.) regt.; enlisted Oct. 21, 1776; discharged Nov. 17, 1776; service, 28 days ; company marched under command of Lieut. Col. Timothy Robinson to reinforce Northern army; roll dated Granville; also, Corporal, same co. and regt.; enlisted Aug. 17, 1777; discliarged Aug. 19, 1777; service, 4 days; com- pany marched toward Bennington on an alarm ; roll dated Granville ; also, Capt. Aaron Coe's co.. Col. John Moseley's (Hampshire Co.) regt.; enlisted Sept. 21, 1777 ; discharged Oct. 23, 1777 ; service, 33 days ; company marched by order of Gen. Gates to reinforce Northern army on an alarm.
Cooley, John. Drummer, Capt. Samuel Burt's co.. Col. Elisha Porter's (Hampshire Co.) regt.; enlisted July 22, 1779; discharged Aug. 25, 1779; service, 1 mo. 7 days, travel included, at New London, Conn.
Cooley, Jonah, Springfield. Private, Maj. Andrew Colton's co. of Minute-men, which marched April 20, 1775, in response to the alarm of April 19, 1775 ; service, 15 days.
Cooley, Jonathan, Springfield. Descriptive list of enlisted men raised agreeable to resolve of Dec. 2, 1780; age, 16 yrs.; stature, 5 ft.; complexion, light; occupation, farmer; residence, Springfield; enlisted April 13, 1781; enlistment, 3 years.
Cooley, Jonathan, Wilhraliain. Private, Capt. James Warriner's (Wilbrahain) co., which marched on the alarm of April 19, 1775; service, 10 days.
Cooley, Josiah, Springfield. Corporal, Lieut. David Burt and Lieut. Jonathan Hale's CO., which marched April 21, 1775, in response to the alarm of April 19, 1775, to Brookfield; service, 3 days; also, Corporal, Capt. James Shaw's co. ; enlisted Sept. 24, 1777 ; discharged Oct. 18, 1777 ; service, 32 days, travel included, with Northern army ; company detached from Col. Charles Pynchon's regt. and ordered to join army under Gen. Gates for 30 days unless sooner discharged.
Cooley, Lutnku, Springfield. Private, Lieut. Enoch Cooper's co.. Col. David Leonard's regt. ; enlisted May 16, 1777 ; discharged July 15, 1777 ; service, 2 mos. 1 day, on ex- pedition to Ticonderoga; enlistment, 2 months; roll sworn to in Hampshire Co.; also, Capt. James Shaw's co. ; enlisted Sept. 24, 1777; discharged Oct. 18, 1777; service, 32 days, travel included, with Northern army ; company detached from Col. Charles Pynchon's regt. and ordered to join army under Gen. Gates for 30 days unless sooner discharged ; also, Capt. Samuel Burt's co.. Col. Elisha Porter's (Hampshire Co.) regt. ; enlisted July 22, 1779; discharged Aug. 25, 1779; service, 1 mo. 7 days, travel included, at New London, Conn. ; also, descriptive list of en- listed men raised to reinforce Continental Army for 3 months, agreeable to resolve of June 22, 1778 [1780] ; 3d co., Col. Bliss's (1st Hampshire Co.) regt. ; age, 19 yrs.; stature, 5 ft. 6 in.; complexion, ruddy; hair, dark; eyes, blue; occupation, far- mer; residence, Springfield; mustered by Lieut. Col. Jonathan Hale; also, Pri- vate, Capt. Joseph Browning's co.. Col. Seth Murray's (Hampshire Co.) regt.; enlisted July 17, 1780 ; discharged Oct. 10, 1780 ; service, 3 mos. 1 day, travel in- cluded ; company raised to reinforce Continental Army for 3 months ; roll sworn to in Suffollv Co. ; also, same co. and regt. ; order for wages for 3 months service in 1780 dated Springfield, Feb. 25, 1782.
Cooley, Martin, Sunderland. Private, Capt. Noadiah Leonard's co.. Col. Ruggles Woodbridge's regt., which marched on the alarm of April 19, 1775 ; service, 7 days ; also, Capt. Leonard's co.. Col. Benjamin Ruggles Woodbridge's (25th) regt.; re- ceipt for advance pay dated Cambridge, June 24, 1775; also, Corporal, same co. and regt. ; company return [probably Sept., 1775] ; also, order for bounty coat or its equivalent in money dated Camp at Cambridge, Oct. 31, 1775.
Cooley, Noan, Township No. 7. Private, Capt. Gideon Chapin's co. of Minute-men, which marched April 21, 1775, in response to the alarm of April 19, 1775; service, 21 days.
Cooley, Rinnah (also given Pinah). Private, Capt. Moses Harvey's co.. Col. David Wells's regt.; enlisted May 10, 1777; discharged July 10, 1777; service, 2 mos. 10 days, travel included, in Northern department; roll dated Montague; also, Capt. Joseph Slarrow's co.. Col. David Wells's regt. ; enlisted Sept. 24, 1777; dis- charged Oct. 5, 1777; service, 16 days, travel included, on expedition to the Northward; roll dated Leverett; also, Capt. Daniel Pomeroy's detachment from Gen. Danielson's (Hampshire Co.) brigade; enlisted Jul}' 1, 1778; service to Oct. 31, 1778, under Gen. Stark in Northern department ; also, Capt. Elihu Lyman's CO., Col. Elisha Porter's (Hampshire Co.) regt.; enlisted July 25, 1779; dis- charged Aug. 31, 1779; service, 1 mo. 12 days, travel included, at New London, Conn.
Cooley, Roger, West Springfield. Private, Capt. Preserved Leonard's cc, Col. Elisha Porter's (Hampshire Co.) regt. ; enlisted July 28, 1779; discharged Sept. 2, 1779; service, 1 nio. 10 days, travel included, at New London, Conn. ; also, descriptive list of men raised to reinforce Continental Army for the term of 6 months, agree- able to resolve of June 5, 1780, returned as received of Justin Ely, Commissioner, by Brig. Gen. John Glover, at Springfield, July 8, 1780; age, 19 yrs.; stature, 5 ft. 8 in.; complexion, light; residence, West Springfield; marched to camp July 8, 1780, under command of Ebenezer Kent, Esq. ; also, list of men raised for the 6 months service and returned by Bri?. Gen. Paterson as having passed muster in a return dated Camp Totoway, Oct. 2.5, 1780 ; also, pay roll for 6 months men raised by the town of West Springfield for service in the Continental Army during 1780; marched July 8, 1780; discharged Dec. 8,1780; service, 5 mos. 6 days.
Cooley, Samuel, Conway (also given Springfield). Private, Capt. Robert Oliver's CO., Col. Israel Doolittle's regt.; muster roll dated Aug. 1, 1775; enlisted May 9, 1775 ; service, 2 mos. 2 days ; also, company return dated Winter Hill, Oct. 6, 1775 ; reported transferred to the train July 6, 1775 ; also, Matross, Capt. Joseph Chadwick's co.. Col. Richard Gridley's (Artillery) regt.; muster roll dated Aug. 1, 1775; enlisted July 6, 1775; service, 26 days; also, same co. and regt.; com- pany return dated Fort No. 3, Charlestown, Sept. 30, 1775; also, same co. and regt. ; order for bounty coat or its equivalent in money dated Fort No. 3, Nov. 21, 1775; also, list of men enlisted into Continental Army from 3d co., 1st Hamp- shire Co. regt., as returned by Capt. Walter Pynchon and Capt. David Burt, sworn to in Hampshire Co. April 6, 1779; residence, Springfield; enlisted for town of Springfield ; joined Capt. Asa Coburn's co., Col. Alden's regt. ; enlistment to ex- pire Jan. -, 1780 ; reported adjudged to Conway by residence and indenture ; also, list of men enlisted into Continental Army from 5th Hampshire Co. regt. [year not given] endorsed " Col. David Field's return ; " enlisted for town of Conway ; joined Capt. Coburn's co., Col. Alden's regt. ; enlistment, 3 years ; also, list dated Northampton, April 16, 1779, of men returned by a committee for settling dis- putes between towns in Hampshire Co. as to soldiers credited to them ; said Cooley credited to Springfield; allowed to Conway; also, Corporal, Capt. Asa Coburn's CO., Col. Brooks's (late) Alden's regt.; Continental Army pay accounts for ser- vice from Feb. 1, 1777, to Sept. 4, 1777; reported died Sept. 4, 1777; also, Capt. Coburn's co., Col. Alden's regt. ; muster return dated Albany, Jan. 12, 1778 ; mus- tered by Col. Woodbridge.
Cooley, Solomon, Ludlow (also given Wilbraham). Private, Capt. Paul Langdon's CO., Col. Timothy Danielson's regt.; muster roll dated Aug. 1, 1775; enlisted May 3, 1775; service, 3 mos. 6 days; also, company return dated Oct. 6, 1775; also, order for bounty coat or its equivalent in money dated Roxbury, Nov. 27, 1775.
Cooley, Stephen, Springfield 2d Parish (also given Longmeadow). Private, Capt. Reuben Munn's co.. Col. Nicholas Dike's regt.; return for travel allowance, etc., dated Roxbury, Sept. 17, 1776; also. Corporal, Capt. Reuben Munn's co.. Col. Nicholas Dike's regt. ; pay abstract for travel allowance, etc., dated Boston, Nov. 26, 1776; also. Private, Capt. Gideon Burt's co.. Col. David Leonard's regt.; en- listed March 2, 1777; discharged April 10, 1777; service, 1 mo. 10 days; company marched to reinforce Northern army at Ticonderoga.
Cooley, Timothy. Private, 2d co.. Col. Gideon Burt's (Hampshire Co.) regt. ; marched June 12, 1782, to retake Samuel Ely, who was rescued from Springfield jail, also June 16, 1782, to oppose the rioters at Northampton ; serv'ice, 7 days.
Cooley, William. Captain, 9tli (also given 5th) co., Col. John Mosley's (3d Hampshire Co.) regt.; list of officers of Mass. militia; ordered in Council April 26, 1776, that a commission be issued; reported commissioned April 2G, 1776; also. Captain, detachment from 3d Hampshire Co. regt. commanded by Lieut. Col Timotliy Robinson ; marched Oct. 21, 1776, by order of Gen. Schuyler to reinforce army at Ticonderoga; also, Col. John Mosley's regt. ; engaged Sept. 23, 1776; discharged Nov. 16, 1776; service, 2 mos. 1 day, travel included; roll dated North Castle; also, Col. John Mosley's (Hampshire Co.) regt. ; engaged July 9, 1777; discharged Aug. 12, 1777 ; service, 39 days, travel included ; company marched to reinforce Northern army ; also, same regt.; engaged Aug. 17, 1777; discharged Aug. 19, 1777; service, 4 days; company marched toward Bennington on an alarm ; roll sworn to at Granville.
North Carolina.
Doctor Samuel Cooley.
Note. There will be six letters.
Letter from Samuel Cooley to Cornelius Harnett
Cooley, Samuel
July 13, 1776
Volume 10, Pages 667-668
[From MS. Records in Office of Secretary of State.]
Letter from Doctor S. Cooley to the Council of Safety.
Camp at Wilmington, July 13th, 1776.
I beg the favor of you to let me know whether there is any provision made by Continental Congress for supplying the regiments in this Province with Medicines; I have hithertoo used my Own, but unless I have a new supply shall soon be out of some of the most principle Articles. I could have supplied myself had I been supplied with money, but the Pay master refuses to advance any money for that purpose. The consumption of medicines is very great; for 3 weeks Past I've had from 20 to 30 in the Hospital belonging to the 5th regiment. The sickly season is now coming on fast, and unless I'm speedily supplied I shall be distitute of such medicines as I find of most service here. I furthermore beg the favor of you, Sir, to let me know what a Surgeon's Pay is, how many rations he is allowed, whether there's any mate allowd, if so, what his Pay is to be, and who appoints Him. Your compliance will much oblige,
Sir Your most Obedient Huml Servant,
Letter from Lachlan McIntosh to Richard Caswell
McIntosh, Lachlan, 1725-1806
March 1778
Volume 13, Pages 67-68
[From Executive Letter Book.]
I had the honor of writing to your Excellency the 9th January pr Lieut. Col. Dawson of your State which I hope you received. I am sorry I have to inform you the men of my Brigade here have suffered severely this winter for want of clothing and other necessaries. Fifty of them died in and about Camp since the beginning of Janry last, and near two hundred sick here now besides as many more reported sick absent in different Hospitals of this State and Jersey, a most distressing situation! and only Dr. McClure of the second Regiment to attend the whole of them until a few days ago. I fortunately got another young man, to assist him, but cannot tell how he will turn out yet.
I cannot with propriety or Justice on this occasion avoid complaining of Doctor Cooley of the 5th Regiment to his State, which I think he has been ungrateful to, and cannot help charging him with inhumanity, also in leaving so many of his brave Country men to perish without assistance. When I was first informed of him, I ordered him in the most positive terms to stay with the Brigades. He attempted to make a plea, that in consequence of a former order for the Staff of the six vacant Regiments to go home with the other officers, he had sent off his Baggage, therefore could not stay and at last went without leave, for which I stopt his pay for January February and an extra Bounty & 6 months given by Congress to the Army with General Washington's approbation, and dare say your Excellency will think with me, he deserves still further marks of Resentment from his Country.
This season produces nothing worth mentioning to you save little skirmishes between foraging parties of no account.
I hear Col. Shepperd's 10th Regiment is under Inoculation at George Town Maryland, but have no account from himself.
I have the honor to be respectfully
Your Excellency's most obedient servant,
Letter from Willis Wilson to Richard Caswell
Wilson, Willis
June 26, 1778
Volume 13, Pages 171-172
[From Executive Letter Book.]
Caswell, Ocracock 26th June 1778.
I sent a Pilot and Crew to Beaufort, after our Tender, and have received her at this place, but in a most wretched condition, in so much that she has drove from her anchors twice, and once had near been lost. I got her along side the Caswell, having her down to stop her leaks.
The enemy (one ship, two sloops and a brig) take a peep at us every now and then, but are not disposed to venture in. Some few arrivals since last I wrote your Excellency. The Pilots of Ocracock have finally stopped bringing in or carrying out vessels, having entered into an association to that purpose, the reasons they give me for this extraordinary step is, that having no branches, they are liable to a penalty for taking charge of any vessel, and that they will not take branches because the Legislature have rated their pilotage at too low a price, being all in a clan. I fear our trade will be hurt by the infamy of these people. Pursuant to your Excellency's recommendation I have wrote to Richd Ellis, Esqr., to know if he will accept the agency for the ship as our Crew are beginning to be taken down very fast with scurvies attended with fluxes, and fish (the only fresh provision to be got here) Doct Cooley does not approve of in the latter disorder. I hear there is fresh beef to be purchased at Marmashite (?) which will be much cheaper, as well more wholesome for the crew. I have wrote to Mr. Ellis for a Barrel Brown Sugar a bag coffee, a Hogshead Rum, and a ditto Molasses, being quite out of those articles; will be exceedingly obliged to your Excellency to hurry the paymaster with our money, as we are all destitute of that necessary article at present and the whole in great want.
I am your Excellency's mo. ob. Servt.
P.S. I am distressed for Commissioned officers having only Mr. Cheshire the Master of the ship on Board at present and not another officer I can depend upon, as a seaman. If your Excellency knows of any, that would make a good second Lieut, will esteem it a favor if you'l commission him, otherwise please send a commission of Lieut. for Mr. Cheshire who is now Master and a good officer. Doctor Cooley waits on your Excellency, in want of medicines, he is an assiduous Gentleman in his duty to the sick; if Mr. Ellis declines to furnish us, I hope your Excellency will appoint, or order us the things wrote for to Mr. Ellis.
Your Excellency's ob. huml servt.
Letter from Richard Caswell to Willis Wilson
Caswell, Richard, 1729-1789
June 30, 1778
Volume 13, Page 181
[From Executive Letter Book.]
Dobbs 30th 1778.
Your favor of the 26th Instant I have before me, am sorry the Tender was not delivered you in better fix. Capt. Easton informed me, that at the time he purchased her, she was much out of repair, but that he intended to have her properly overhauled and fixed.
Your Pilots I fear are not governed by the best principles in their combinations; they have other views, than honest men ought to have, but nothing can be done respecting them 'till the meeting of the Assembly.
I have written to Mr. Ellis from whom I received a letter on the subject of the agency of your ship. I imagine he will accept it and supply you whenever the pay master can be supplied with money. He shall be ordered to attend and pay off your Crew.
I sent you Commissions for all the officers you required from NewBern, and without information whether the persons who were named in them refused to accept them or have conducted themselves unworthily, I cannot think of snperceding their appointments.
I at present consider Dr. Cooley as a Surgeon in the service of the United States, if he is so, of course he cannot be appointed to your ship. However I shall lay your request regarding him before the Council who meet two days hence and inform you their Resolutions thereon.
I am Sir,
Your mo. ob. sesvt.
Letter from Richard Caswell to Samuel Cooley
Caswell, Richard, 1729-1789
June 30, 1778
Volume 13, Page 183
[From Executive Letter Book.]
Dobbs 30th June 1778.
Your letter of the 28th Inst. I received, in answer to which, I must observe that at present I consider you as a Surgeon in the service of the United States, if you are so, of course, you cannot receive the appointment now applied for, and in that case I recommend it to you to go on immediately to Head Quarters where Surgeons are much wanted and indeed were so when you left Camp. If you are discharged from that service, I shall glad to be informed, your letter shall be laid before the Council who meet two days hence and what resolution they take respecting the appointment and medicines you shall be informed of.
I am, Sir,
Your mo. ob. Servt.
Letter from Willis Wilson to Richard Caswell
Wilson, Willis
July 28, 1778
Volume 13, Page 202
[From Executive Letter Book.]
New Bern 28th July 1778.
I left the Caswell at the Bar last Sunday, and got to this place yesterday, hoping to see your Excellency in Town. Doctr Cooley is desirous to know whether he is to be continued or not, in the Caswell, respecting which I will be proud to have orders, by the return of the bearer, I have lately been acquainted with Mrs. Wilson's being very unwell. Chief of my business to this place was to obtain leave of absence for a short time from your Excellency to pay her a visit, which I should not request on any other account but the above, I therefore hope to receive permissions from your Excellency by return. Mr. Cheshire, my Master, is a trusty Gentleman to whom I shall leave the charge during my absence, which shall be short. Shall be proud to know when the Paymaster may be expected, as I may have my pay rolls properly made out to the time. Nothing has happened at the Bar worth notice. I am with great respect, your Excellency's Ob. huml. Servt.
George Cooley, Seaman, Penn., Navy, Served July 1, 1777-August 1, 1777, Served on the Lydia.
James Cooley, 5th., Penn.
John Cooley, 2nd., Penn.
Owen Cooley, Enlisted March 5, 1777, under Captain Selin Shott’s Corps.
Robert Cooley, Private, Enlisted March 1, 1777.
List of recruits who joined subsequent to the foregoing, for whom Capt.
Johnston claimed subsistence from the time of enlistment until
they joined the company.
Cooley, Isaac, March 1, 1777.
Cooley, Robert, March 1,1777.
James Cooley, Private, 1st., Pennsylvania.
John Cooley, January 1, 1777-1781, Private, 2nd., Pennsylvania.
James Cooley, Private, 9th., Pennsylvania.
William Cooley, January 1, 1777, Private, 3rd., Pennsylvania.
James Cooley, Private, 5th., Pennsylvania.
James Cooley, Philadelphia, Private, 5th., Pennsylvania, taken November 16, 1776.
Benjamin Cooley, Captain, Co. 9., 2nd., regiment militia, Pittsford, Vermont.
Thomas Cooley, Private, regiment not stated, He has Bounty Warrant, but I could not find a copy.
Thomas Cooley, birth unknown, death October 3, 1857, Wythe County.
Thomas L. Cooley, Spouse: Hill, Fannie. Gen. note Place of residence at time of marriage: North Carolina. Note Place of residence at time of marriage: Richmond, Virginia. Note Daughter of Henry.
Civil War-Army.
There were 1,123, Cooley’s enlisted in the civil war, the following list of men were killed between 1861 & 1865.
Thomas Cooley.
Birth: Unknown
Death: Oct. 29, 1861
Burial: Camp Moore Confederate Cemetery.
Thomas Cooley, Private, La., 16th., Infantry, Co. E., C. S. A.
George W. Cooley.
Birth: Unknown.
Death: Sept. 14, 1862.
Burial: Antietam National Cemetery.
George W. Cooley, Private, Wis., 7th., Infantry, Co. F. Was killed at South Mountain, MD.
Stephen B. Cooley.
Birth: Unknown
Death: Sept 17, 1862, Richmond City, Virginia.
Burial: Hollywood Cemetery.
Stephen B. Cooley, Private, Georgia, 35th., Infantry, Co. D. Died of wounds.
Nathan M Cooley.
Birth: 1839.
Death: Mar. 15 or 16, 1863.
Burial: Fredericksburg National Cemetery.
Nathan M Cooley, Private, Maine., 7th., Infantry, Co. B.
Oscar T. Cooley.
Birth: Unknown.
Death: Jun. 8, 1863.
Burial: Vicksburg National Cemetery.
Oscar T. Cooley, Private, Illinois 124th, Infantry, Co. B.
Wesley Allen Cooley.
Birth: Oct. 4, 1838.
Death: Sept. 20, 1863.
Burial: Union Grove Cemetery.
Wesley Allen Cooley, Private, La., 16th., Infantry, Co. E., Killed at Chickamauga.
Amos B. Cooley.
Birth: Unknown, Jackson County, Indiana.
Death: Jul. 2, 1864, Macon County, Georgia.
Burial: Andersonville National Cemetery.
Amos B. Cooley, Private, 38th., Indiana, Infantry, Co. C., Captured at the Battle of Chickamauga in Sept. 1863; died of pneumonia at Andersonville Prison.
James Cooley.
Birth: Unknown.
Death: Jul. 3, 1864.
Burial: Marietta National Cemetery.
James Cooley, Private, Indiana, 63rd., Infantry, Co. A. Died during the Summer 1864 Atlanta Campaign.
John J. Cooley.
Birth: Unknown
Death: Jun. 17, 1864.
Burial: Poplar Grove National Cemetery.
John J. Cooley, Sergeant, Mass, 57th, Infantry Co. A.
Joshua J. Cooley.
Birth: Unknown
Death: Sept. 18, 1864, Georgia.
Burial: Andersonville National Cemetery
Joshua J. Cooley, Private, Tennessee, 7th., Cavalry, Co. L.
Justin H. Cooley.
Birth: Unknown.
Death: Jan. 2, 1864.
Burial: Arlington National Cemetery.
Justin H. Cooley, Private, 126th New York Infantry Co. H.
Civil War-Navy.
Cooley, Charles M., Mate, 17 September, 1861. Resigned 28 July, 1862.
Cooley, E. F., Acting Assistant Paymaster, 1861. Resigned 24 July, 1862.
Cooley, Henry P., Mate, 17 September, 1861. Resigned 19 May, 1862.
Cooley, Mortimer E., Cadet Engineer, 1 October, 1874. Graduated 20 June, 1878. Assistant Engineer, 20 June, 1880. Resigned 1 January, 1886. Chief Engineer (Spanish-American War), 10 May, 1898. Honorably discharged 6 February, 1899.
Cooley's Miscellaneous.
Ebenezer Cooley.
A Bill
December 31, 1828.
For the relief of Ebenezer Cooley, of Louisiana.
Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of American in Congress assembled, That there be, and is hereby, granted to Ebenezer Cooley, two thousand acres of land, to be located in tracts conforming to the public surveys, upon any of the public lands that may have been, or may hereafter be, proclaimed for sale, under the authority of the United States, the same being in lieu of the same quantity of land, claimed by said Cooley, in the parish of Point Coupee, in the State of Louisiana, which was located by General La Fayette, and recovered by his assignee in the Su11 preme Court of said State: Provided, That said Cooley shall not make such location upon any inhabited or improved tract of land, and shall first relinquish, in such manner as the President of the United States shall direct, all his right, interest, and title, to the laud so located by said La Fayette, and of which said Cooley has been dispossessed by the decision of said Court.
February 4, 1837.
William Cooley, a soldier in the revolutionary army, on the roll of revolutionary pensioners, and allow and pay him a pension at the rate of forty dollars a year, during his natural life, commencing on the fourth day of March, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and thirty-one.
Benjamin Cooley, carried mail from Washington, District of Columbia, to Poolesville, Maryland, from 1861-1864.
1844-Levi I. Cooley to be deputy postmaster at Elmira, in the State of New York
1826-James Cooley, of Ohio, to be Chargé d'Affaires of the United States to the Republic of Peru.
1864-D. N. Cooley to be commissioner of taxes in the insurrectionary district of South Carolina
1865-Captain James C. Cooley, of the One hundred and thirty-third New York Volunteers, to be aide-de-camp with the rank of captain, for the 19th Army Corps, to date from February 13, 1865.
1849-The petition of Henry W. Barnes and Randolph M. Cooley, praying compensation for clothing furnished to a regiment of New York volunteers mustered into the service of the United States during the war with Mexico.
1870-The memorial of Aaron B. Cooley, asking damages for losses incurred while removing Rock Bar in the James River
1861-Samuel A. Cooley, of Connecticut, to be a paymaster in the Navy, from the 22 January, 1861
1866-Dennis N. Cooley, Commissioner of Indian Affairs.
1863-the memorial of J. W. Cooley, of Frederick County, Va., relating to the impressment of his cattle.
1867-James C. Cooley, to be captain by brevet U. S. Army.
1865-Francis M. Cooley (as major and lieut. colonel by brevet.)
1870-The memorial of Aaron B. Cooley, praying compensation for damages sustained by the loss of certain machinery and property employed in removing "rock bar" in the harbor of Richmond, Virginia, at the beginning of the late war.
Thirteenth Regiment of Infantry.
Second Lieutenant John Cooley to be first lieutenant, February 23, 1866.
Fifth Regiment of Cavalry
Sergeant James C. Cooley, of Company G, to be second lieutenant, May 3, 1865.
Fifth Regiment of Cavalry.
Second Lieutenant James C. Cooley to be first lieutenant, July 28, 1866.
1840-A claim of William Cooley, of the Territory of Florida, for remuneration for property destroyed by the Indians, in said Territory, in January, 1836.
1864-To be lieutenant-colonels by brevet.
Brevet Major Francis M. Cooley, United States Army, for gallant services at the battle before Petersburg, Virginia, August 1, 1864.
Eleventh Regiment of Infantry.
Francis M. Cooley, of the Volunteers, to be captain, May 14, 1861; age 27; born in New York.
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