West Virginia fifth Infantry, Regimental History.
Jacob Colmer was born April i, 1842, at Duff's Mills, Franklin town ship, Allegheny county, Pa., his parents being natives of the state. His father, William Colmer. was born in Allegheny county. Pa., and his mother, Lavina Rosensteel, was born near Emsworth, in tlie same county, and both were descendants of the Pennsylvania Dutch. The son remained at home until he was 18 years ofageorking at farming and in the blacksmith shop with his father. On the Monday evening following the call of President Lincoln for 75,000 three months men,
Mr. Colmer placed his name as first on the roll of a company of volunteers being recruited by Thomas Gibson. Jr., at a place called Cross Roads, not far from Bakerstown, Allegheny county. After the company had been partly recruited, they went to Pittsburgh, but the quota from Pennsylvania was now filled, and the company was not accepted: but they still held their organization, and when the call came for three years men. they were again doomed to disappointment, so many troops being ahead of them.
They then decided to equip themselves as an independent company, and while preparations were being made to this end, word was received that they were wanted at Wheeling, Ya., to which place they went. Mr. Colmer was mustered into the service as sixth corporal, but on account of good conduct and attention to his duties, rose step by step until June 17. 1862, he was promoted first sergeant of the company, and held this position until September 29,, 1S62. when he was promoted to second lieutenant. On several occasions he acted as adjutant of the regiment, and had command of his company on the Salem Raid.
On April 27. 1864, he was promoted to first lieutenant, and detailed to the position of adjutant, but declined the position, as he had become so attached to the members of his company that he did not wish to be taken away from them. He served his full term of enlistment and was mustered out with the company. Lieut. Colmer received what education he had by careful attention to studies in the four months per year schooling then in vogue in country districts, and in the summer of 1860, took a course of bookkeeping in Duff's College, Pittsburgh.
He was married on December 22, 186S, to Miss Mary E. Scott, of Sharon, Mercer county, Pa., but a native of Allegheny county. The result of this marriage is a family of four bright children, the oldest, William H., now in his 21st year, Alice Scott 16, Lizzie Pell 14, and Charles Stevenson 4 years old. Since the war Lieut, Colmer has served in several responsible positions. For a long time he was clerk in the Pittsburgh pension office; for over 12 years bookkeeper for one large firm in Allegheny City, and is now agent for the Allegheny Insurance Company, of Pittsburgh.
He is now serving his 18th year as permanent secretary of Twin City Lodge, No. 241, 1. O. O. F. , also as trustee of the same lodge during the last 18 years. He also served as secretary of Allegheny Lodge 223. A. F. and A. M., for six years after the close of the war. He now resides at Avalon, Pa., on the P. F. W. & C. Railway, six miles down the Ohio river from Pittsburgh. Lieut. Colmer served his country well and faithfully. He was a brave and accomplished officer, respected as such by all the men of the regiment, and a gentleman held in the highest esteem by all his comrades. As a citizen there are none truer, and he is a worth}' and honored son of the country hehelped so ably to protect.
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