Friday, October 02, 2015

Marcellus Jerome Clark ( Sue Mundy.)

This is not his whole story by a long shot.  His story was to long to put here.  Those who would like to learn more about his live and execution I will leave a title and link at the end of this story.

Captain George Swope, of the Fifth Indiana Cavalry, and provost marshal had charge of the execution.  Mundy was asked if he had anything to say, to make it known. He directed his remarks to his spiritual advisor in a very low voice, he said : " I am a regular Confederate soldier, and have served in the Confederate army for four years. I fought under General Buckner at Port Donalson, and belonged to General Morgan's command when he entered Kentucky. I have assisted and taken many prisoners and have always treated them kindly. I was wounded at Cynthiana and cut off from my command. I have been in Kentucky ever since;

I could prove that I am a regular Confederate soldier, and I hope in, and die for, the Confederate cause." A white cap was placed over his face and at the word three the prop was pulled from under the trap. The fall was not more than three feet and it did not break his neck; he was choked to death. his sufferings were of short duration. Thus ended the career of the notorious Sue Mundy. He was captured on Sunday, taken to Louisville on Monday, tried on Tuesday and executed on Wednesday, all of the same week.

Sue Mundy was nearly six feet tall, straight and remarkably well built, and would weigh about one hundred and sixty pounds. His complexion was fair ; he had long dark hair which touched his shoulders, he had a beautifully shaped mouth, and in short was a handsome man. His whole demeanor was firm, polite, quiet and unassuming; he bore the air of a man of culture and gentlemanly refinement.

He said he would have been twenty-one years of age in the following August and would die before he reached his manhood, and yet, had been a man to his country. He wore a black velvet cap, a black or dark blue jacket with one row of Kentucky State buttons, a pair of dark cassimere pants and a pair of old boots, cut down in imitation of a pair of shoes.

Famous Kentucky Tragedies and trials.
by L. F. Johnson.
Publish 1916. pages 180-100.

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